feature/avoid-repeating-places-in-game #38

balazs merged 14 commits from feature/avoid-repeating-places-in-game into develop 2021-05-09 10:58:54 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit 3c6a7a3c5f - Show all commits

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@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ class PlaceRepository
if(!isset($userId)) {
return $this->getRandomNForMapWithValidPano($mapId, $n);
} else {
return $this->getRandomNewNForMapWithValidPano($mapId, $n, $userId);
$unvisitedPlaces = $this->getRandomUnvisitedNForMapWithValidPano($mapId, $n, $userId);
$oldPlaces = $this->getRandomOldNForMapWithValidPano($mapId, $n - count($unvisitedPlaces), $userId);

I would check if count($unvisitedPlaces) == $n before calling this function so we could save a function call and a DB query in a lot of cases.

if (count($unvisitedPlaces) == $n) {
    return $unvisitedPlaces;
I would check if `count($unvisitedPlaces) == $n` before calling this function so we could save a function call and a DB query in a lot of cases. ```php if (count($unvisitedPlaces) == $n) { return $unvisitedPlaces; } ```
return array_merge($unvisitedPlaces, $oldPlaces);
@ -43,8 +45,13 @@ class PlaceRepository
$places = [];
$select = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'places');
$select->where('id', 'NOT IN', $exclude);

This can be removed too.

This can be removed too.
$select->where('map_id', '=', $mapId);
$numberOfPlaces = $select->count();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; ++$i) {
$place = $this->getRandomForMapWithValidPano($mapId, $exclude);
$place = $this->getRandomForMapWithValidPano($numberOfPlaces, $select, $exclude);
$places[] = $place;
$exclude[] = $place->getId();
@ -53,60 +60,110 @@ class PlaceRepository
return $places;
//TODO: use Map instead of id
public function getRandomForMapWithValidPano(int $mapId, array $exclude = []): Place
private function getRandomForMapWithValidPano($numberOfPlaces, $select, array &$exclude, $randomSelection = null): ?Place
int $numberOfPlaces, Select $select

```php int $numberOfPlaces, Select $select ```
do {
$place = $this->selectRandomFromDbForMap($mapId, $exclude);
$numberOfPlacesLeft = $numberOfPlaces - count($exclude);
$place = $this->selectRandomFromDbForMap($numberOfPlacesLeft, $select, $exclude, $randomSelection);
if($place === null) {
// there is no more never visited place left
return null;
$panoId = $place->getFreshPanoId();
if ($panoId === null) {
if($panoId === null) {

I wouldn't reformat this. There is no official coding guideline but I usually put a space after if, while, for, etc.

I wouldn't reformat this. There is no official coding guideline but I usually put a space after if, while, for, etc.
$exclude[] = $place->getId();
} while ($panoId === null);
} while($panoId === null);
return $place;
private function selectRandomFromDbForMap(int $mapId, array $exclude): Place
private function selectRandomFromDbForMap($numberOfPlacesLeft, $select, array $exclude, $randomSelection): ?Place
//TODO: omit table name here
$select = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'places');
$select->where('id', 'NOT IN', $exclude);
$select->where('map_id', '=', $mapId);
if($numberOfPlacesLeft <= 0)
return null;
$numberOfPlaces = $select->count();
//TODO: prevent this
if ($numberOfPlaces === 0) {
throw new \Exception('There is no selectable place (count was 0).');
if(!isset($randomSelection)) {
$randomOffset = random_int(0, $numberOfPlacesLeft - 1);
} else {
$randomOffset = $randomSelection($numberOfPlacesLeft);
$randomOffset = random_int(0, $numberOfPlaces - 1);
// $select_unvisited->orderBy('last_time');
$select->where('id', 'NOT IN', $exclude);
$select->limit(1, $randomOffset);
return $this->pdm->selectFromDb($select, Place::class);
private function getRandomNewNForMapWithValidPano(int $mapId, int $n, int $userId, array $exclude = []): array
// Never visited places
private function getRandomUnvisitedNForMapWithValidPano(int $mapId, int $n, int $userId): array
$places = [];
$exclude = [];
// Never visited places
// list of places visited by user
$selectPlacesByCurrentUser = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'user_played_place');
$selectPlacesByCurrentUser->columns(['place_id', 'last_time']);
$selectPlacesByCurrentUser->where('user_id', '=', $userId);
// count the places never visited
$selectUnvisited = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'places');
$selectUnvisited->leftJoin($selectPlacesByCurrentUser, ['places', 'id'], '=', ['places_by_current_user', 'place_id']);
$selectUnvisited->where('map_id', '=', $mapId);
$selectUnvisited->where('last_time', '=', null);
$numberOfUnvisitedPlaces = $selectUnvisited->count();
// look for as many new places as possible but maximum $n
do {
$place = $this->getRandomNeverVisitedForMapWithValidPano($mapId, $userId, $exclude);
$place = $this->getRandomForMapWithValidPano($numberOfUnvisitedPlaces, $selectUnvisited, $exclude);
if(isset($place)) {
$places[] = $place;
$exclude[] = $place->getId();
} while(count($places) < $n && isset($place));
return $places;
// Places visited in the longest time
private function getRandomOldNForMapWithValidPano(int $mapId, int $n, int $userId): array
$places = [];
$exclude = [];
// list of places visited by user
$selectPlacesByCurrentUser = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'user_played_place');
$selectPlacesByCurrentUser->columns(['place_id', 'last_time']);
$selectPlacesByCurrentUser->where('user_id', '=', $userId);
// count places that were visited at least once
$selectOldPlaces = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'places');
$selectOldPlaces->leftJoin($selectPlacesByCurrentUser, ['places', 'id'], '=', ['places_by_current_user', 'place_id']);
$selectOldPlaces->where('map_id', '=', $mapId);
$selectOldPlaces->where('last_time', 'IS NOT', null);
$numberOfOldPlaces = $selectOldPlaces->count();
// set order by datetime, oldest first
// selection algorithm with preference (weighting) for older places
$gaussianRandomSelection = function($numberOfPlaces) {
$stdev = 0.2;
$avg = 0.0;
$x = mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax();
$y = mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax();
$randomNum = abs(sqrt(-2 * log($x)) * cos(2 * pi() * $y) * $stdev + $avg);
return (int) min($randomNum * $numberOfPlaces, $numberOfPlaces - 1);
// look for n - numberOfUnvisitedPlaces places
while(count($places) < $n)
$place = $this->getRandomOldPlaceForMapWithValidPano($mapId, $userId, $exclude);
$place = $this->getRandomForMapWithValidPano($numberOfOldPlaces, $selectOldPlaces, $exclude, $gaussianRandomSelection);
$places[] = $place;
@ -117,91 +174,5 @@ class PlaceRepository
return $places;
private function getRandomNeverVisitedForMapWithValidPano(int $mapId, $userId, array $exclude = []): ?Place
do {
$place = $this->selectRandomNeverVisitedFromDbForMap($mapId, $userId, $exclude);
if($place === null) {
// there is no more never visited place left
return null;
$panoId = $place->getFreshPanoId();
if($panoId === null) {
$exclude[] = $place->getId();
} while($panoId === null);
return $place;
private function selectRandomNeverVisitedFromDbForMap(int $mapId, $userId, array $exclude): ?Place
$select_places_by_current_user = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'user_played_place');
$select_places_by_current_user->columns(['place_id', 'last_time']);
$select_places_by_current_user->where('user_id', '=', $userId);
$select_unvisited = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'places');
$select_unvisited->leftJoin($select_places_by_current_user, ['places', 'id'], '=', ['places_by_current_user', 'place_id']);
$select_unvisited->where('map_id', '=', $mapId);
$select_unvisited->where('last_time', '=', null);
$select_unvisited->where('id', 'NOT IN', $exclude);
$numberOfUnvisitedPlaces = $select_unvisited->count();
if($numberOfUnvisitedPlaces == 0) {
return null;
$randomOffset = random_int(0, $numberOfUnvisitedPlaces - 1);
// $select_unvisited->orderBy('last_time');
$select_unvisited->limit(1, $randomOffset);
return $this->pdm->selectFromDb($select_unvisited, Place::class);
private function getRandomOldPlaceForMapWithValidPano(int $mapId, $userId, array $exclude = []): ?Place
do {
$place = $this->selectRandomOldPlaceFromDbForMap($mapId, $userId, $exclude);
if($place === null) {
// there is no more never visited place left
return null;
$panoId = $place->getFreshPanoId();
if($panoId === null) {
$exclude[] = $place->getId();
} while($panoId === null);
return $place;
private function selectRandomOldPlaceFromDbForMap(int $mapId, $userId, array $exclude): ?Place
$select_places_by_current_user = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'user_played_place');
$select_places_by_current_user->columns(['place_id', 'last_time']);
$select_places_by_current_user->where('user_id', '=', $userId);
$select_old_place = new Select(\Container::$dbConnection, 'places');
$select_old_place->leftJoin($select_places_by_current_user, ['places', 'id'], '=', ['places_by_current_user', 'place_id']);
$select_old_place->where('map_id', '=', $mapId);
$select_old_place->where('last_time', 'IS NOT', null);
$select_old_place->where('id', 'NOT IN', $exclude);
$numberOfOldPlaces = $select_old_place->count();
if($numberOfOldPlaces == 0) {
return null;
$randomOffset = random_int(0, $numberOfOldPlaces - 1);
// $select_unvisited->orderBy('last_time');
$select_old_place->limit(1, $randomOffset);
return $this->pdm->selectFromDb($select_old_place, Place::class);