replace constants in app.php instead of main.php #4

bence merged 1 commits from fix-update-version-script into master 2023-04-08 03:18:49 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit 006ffea7c5 - Show all commits

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@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ VERSION=$(git describe --tags --always --match "Release_*" HEAD)
REVISION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
REVISION_DATE=$(git show -s --format=%aI HEAD)
sed -i -E "s/const VERSION = '(.*)';/const VERSION = '${VERSION}';/" main.php
sed -i -E "s/const REVISION = '(.*)';/const REVISION = '${REVISION}';/" main.php
sed -i -E "s/const REVISION_DATE = '(.*)';/const REVISION_DATE = '${REVISION_DATE}';/" main.php
sed -i -E "s/const VERSION = '(.*)';/const VERSION = '${VERSION}';/" app.php
sed -i -E "s/const REVISION = '(.*)';/const REVISION = '${REVISION}';/" app.php
sed -i -E "s/const REVISION_DATE = '(.*)';/const REVISION_DATE = '${REVISION_DATE}';/" app.php