Some checks failed
rvr-nextgen/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
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This is the RVR Application project. This is a game about guessing where you are based on a street view panorama - inspired by existing applications.
## Installation
### Clone the Git repository
The first step is obviously cloning the repository to your machine:
git clone
All the commands listed here should be executed from the repository root.
### Setup Docker stack (recommended)
The easiest way to build up a fully working application with web server and database is to use Docker Compose with the included `docker-compose.yml`.
All you have to do is executing the following command:
docker compose up -d
Attach shell to the container of `rvr-nextgen-app`:
docker exec -it rvr-nextgen-app bash
All of the following commands should be executed there.
### Manual setup (alternative)
If you don't use the Docker stack you need to install your environment manually. Check `docker-compose.yml` and `docker/Dockerfile` to see the system requirements.
### Initialize project
This command installes all of the Composer requirements and creates a copy of the example `.env` file.
composer create-project
### Set environment variables
The `.env` file contains several environment variables that are needed by the application to work properly. These should be configured for your environment.
One very important variable is `DEV`. This indicates that the application operates in development (staging) and not in production mode.
**Hint:** If you install the application in the Docker stack for development (staging) environment, only the variables for external dependencies (API keys, map attribution, etc.) should be adapted. All other variables (for DB connection, static root, mailing, multiplayer, etc.) are fine with the default value.
### (Production only) Create cron job
To maintain database (delete inactive users, old sessions etc.), the command `db:maintain` should be regularly executed. It is recommended to create a cron job that runs every hour:
0 * * * * /path/to/your/installation/rvr db:maintain >>/var/log/cron-rvr.log 2>&1
### Finalize installation
After you followed the above steps, execute the following command:
**And you are done!** The application is ready to use and develop. In development mode an administrative user is also created by the installation script, email is ****, password is **123456**. In production mode you should create the first administrative user with the following command:
./rvr user:add EMAIL PASSWORD admin
If you installed it in the Docker stack, you can reach it on http://localhost. The mails that are sent by the application can be found on http://localhost:8080/. If needed, the database server can be directly reached on localhost:3306.
*License: **GNU AGPL 3.0**. Full license text can be found in file `LICENSE`.*